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Alumni Chapter Information


The History of Our Beloved Chapter:

The Alcorn State University Alumni Association, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Chapter was jump-started in 1975 by two outstanding Alcornites, Shelby Buford and Adron Parker, who explored the need to bring Alcornites living in the Washington, D.C. metro area together to re-unite as fellow alums and show their support of giving back to the university that molded their careers.  The first meeting was held June 29, 1975, at which time the body selected temporary persons to fill essential positions until officers were elected.  The turn out for the first meeting was very encouraging; however, the alums wanted to make sure that they had full participation and support of all Alcornites in the area before any final decision were made regarding the future of the club.  As a result of this decision, a second meeting was scheduled on Sunday, July 20, 1975, at 6:30 pm, 110 Maryland Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. (Capitol Hill).  During this time, plans were made to elect chapter officers to move the organization forward. 

On March 9, 1976, The Alcorn State University Alumni Association, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area received its charter and became incorporated in the District of Columbia.   At that point, the newly incorporated organization went on a mission to continue to recruit new alumni in the area and launched community services programs to generate financial support for their scholarships program in able to provide financial assistant to students in the Washington, D.C. area who interests is to attend Alcorn.  During this period of growth, many great leaders brought a variety of talents to continue the success of servicing the alumni, community, and the university that we know as Alcorn! 

For more than three decades, the D.C. Metropolitan Area Chapter has been dedicated to giving back to the university through fundraising efforts, fellowship and recruitment.  In 2007, the Chapter successfully applied for and received a tax exempt, non-profit charitable organization 501(c)(3) organization status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.  Boasting an active membership of over 100, we look forward to extending the great traditions of this chapter by attracting quality sponsorships from corporations, and improving our ability as alumni to contribute in even more significant ways.   With more than 200 Alcornites in the DC Metro area, we continue to pursue engaged participation from all who love “the Reservation”.

Chapter Charter Members:


 Mary L. S. Ajoku  William G. Banks  Gladys H. Blalock Carl Boykin
 Mar Deen Boykin
 Shelby Buford
 James E. Campbell
 Carrie Carter
 Charles Cotton  Delcee C. Darr
 Roscoe C. Dukes  William Ellis
 M. G. Hall, Sr.  Doris E. W. Harvell  Albert Higgins
 Julia V. Hudson  Vera G. Hunter
 Geraldine Whitehead  William D. Jones
 Rose McDuffney
 Aretta E. Moore  Elmer J. Moore  Cyrus H. Nero  James U. Paige  Adron Parker
 Eunice P. Robinson  Millie Smith  Richard Smith  Mae F. Spencer  M. H. Stapleton
 Charles Thomas Charlotte Thomas Riley F. Thomas  Roxene Thomas  Simon A. Wicks


 Alcorn Braves in the Area